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Home Testimonials

Chris always finds new & exciting ways to make a tough workout fun - Sarah - 38

When I first joined the gym, I hated it! but since I have been training at bootcamp with Chris I feel so much more comfortable working out infront of others - Cindy - 36

Our workouts are so much fun, always interesting and we get along with everyone - Tony & Teresa - 46

Chris always makes sure he gets my personal best out of me - Sean - 40

I always look forward to the next workout & challenging myself because at the end i know it pays off!- John - 23

Some of the workouts are tough but Chris makes sure we all enjoy ourselves by the end of the workout - Michelle - 26

I hate how he catches me slacking off everytime but its the level of motivation I need and Chris knows just how to make me go that extra mile - Jackie - 18

Chris is a smiling assasin where he makes the workout sound easier then it is, but he almost always joins in & gives me that extra push - Nicole - 21

My fitness has skyrocketed, before I started I wouldnt dream of running, now I run 7km without stopping! - Christine - 32

Before I started I couldn't even do 1 full pushup, now I can do 40 on my toes in only 8 weeks of training! - Mark - 25